Tadah: Prices for coworking with or without childcare

Which one would you choose? Fixed half-day, day passes or an individual offer?

Unsere Preise für Coworking mit oder ohne Kinderbetreuung.

Was soll’s denn sein? Fixe Halbtages- oder Tagespässe oder ein individuelles Angebot?

Stay flexible with our day passes for coworking with or without childcare.

Our offer: stay flexible.

Kinderpreise Englisch
Half day pass
CHF 28.-
Day pass
CHF 44.-
CHF 191.-
Valid for 3 months
You save CHF 29.-
CHF 362.-
Valid for 3 months
You save CHF 78.-
Half day pass
CHF 103.-
Day pass
CHF 189.-

Tadah Coworking with or without childcare in Zurich: It's that easy:

1. Register online

You’ll be part of Tadah in no time.

2. Coworking without childcare

Just drop in and pay at the Space.

3. Coworking with childcare

Book flexible time slot for childcare

4. Any other questions?

Just call +41 44 554 22 or write an e-mail to: hello@tadah.ch

Tadah Newsletter: let’s connect

Free trial Coworking Day. Code: TADAH