The Tadah team on a mission for better compatibility.

All for one, one for all. A team with one goal: to make Switzerland compatibility-friendly.

The Tadah team on a mission for better compatibility.

All for one, one for all. A team with one goal: to make Switzerland compatibility-friendly.

Yay: We are growing! We are always happy to welcome a new member to the Tadah team.

Rahel is our Kids Space sunshine. Her cheerful nature is not only appreciated by our team, but especially by the children and parents. This qualified childcare professional ensures that there is plenty of good vibes and professional care in the Tadah Kids Space.
Rahel Merz
Childcare professional, co-leader Tadah Kids Space
Sarah is the head of the overall operation. She’s the one who pulls all the strings, keeps an eye on the big picture and always keeps her nerve. All the reasons why she is at the forefront of Tadah.
Sarah Steiner
CEO & Co-Fonder
Laura is our calming influence, which is of course a huge advantage as co-leader of the Swiss Re Kids House. For this reason, her actions are thoroughly considered. She knows exactly what she is doing and is as firm in her opinions as hardly anyone. She was able to build this up through various management positions over several years. Wonderful that it fits Tadah exactly!
Laura Schneider
Lead Swiss Re Kids House
As designer, Julia makes everything beautiful. From the Space to the smallest advertising material. She makes sure that you feel comfortable and inspired when you are with us. Julia is responsible for the entire interior and brand design, as well as the HR and parts of the marketing.
Julia Cebreros
Rea is a godsend. Literally: as a former flight attendant, she can handle all tricky situations with a smile and determination. She seizes every situation, she redesigns, and she is not afraid to question things. She is absolutely wonderful.
Rea Künzler
Community Manager
Diana is doing what she does best with a 20-year career in advertising: Advertising. And she does it both for the Space and for the Tadah magazine, for which she is responsible. All cooperations, PR, sales and events run across her desk.
Diana Wick
Maria is a born hostess. And that’s why Tadah and Maria are perfect for each other. She looks after all the coworkers and somehow always knows what the coworker’s heart desires. Best of all, Maria is great to laugh with. So it’s not only nice to have Maria on our team, it’s also a lot of fun.
Maria Boitel
Community Manager
As a former project manager, Klara has her finger on the pulse when it comes to finances and takes care of IT as well as managing new projects. Klara is particularly good at staying calm.
Klara Zürcher
With Mirjam we have drawn the jackpot: In addition to her extensive education and her wealth of experience, she also enriches Tadah with a lot of commitment, passion, joy and her loving nature. We say it: the golden ticket.
Mirjam Stauffacher-Jutzi
Management, Head of Kids Space
Alejandra is such a fan of our vision that she travels from Germany to Switzerland every day to work here. You can feel this dedication particularly in her interactions with the children – she embodies what our Kids Space is all about. Viva Alejandra!
Alejandra Molina Vilarroel
Childcare professional, Tadah Kids Space
Nadja is able to manage everything that needs to be managed at Swiss Re Kids House with her calm and deliberate manner. She takes care of all parental concerns and makes sure that everything runs smoothly. We are big Nadja fans and so are all the parents who interact with her.
Nadja Pertschy
Reception / Administration Swiss Re Kids House
We are so happy to have Yasmin on board. She not only brings good ideas to the Swiss Re Kids House, but also a whole lot of creativity and joy. So much positivity at once is a real joy. It’s also a pleasure to see how Yasmin recognizes the children’s needs and is appreciated by them for exactly that.
Yasmin Matter
Childcare professional Swiss Re Kids House
Thanks to her studies in pedagogy, Gabriela is not only highly educated, but also very attuned to the needs of children and parents. She speaks several languages – perfect for all expats at Swiss Re Kids House. We love her dearly for her South American charm.
Gabriela Grecia Flores Fritas
Childcare professional Swiss Re Kids House
Michelle is the calm one in the team. Thanks to her experience, she complements us perfectly with her calm and down-to-earth manner. She works in a needs-oriented way and can immediately interpret the children’s signals and meet their needs accordingly. Michelle is a safe haven for the children – they feel at home with her. And so do we.
Michelle Caimi
Childcare professional Swiss Re Kids House
Cinzia cannot be disturbed by anything. That’s why she’s the perfect one for childcare. Well, that’s not the only reason: Cinzia is also so happy at work that it makes our hearts beat faster. And our little guests anyway. She supports the team loves singing with the little ones and is totally creative.
Cinzia Mahakumara
Childcare professional Swiss Re Kids House
In substitute childcare, Samira helps us out with a big heart, a lot of commitment and even more flexibility. She is hungry for knowledge and always open to new things. And because we now have so many children, Samira is with us more often. This not only pleases the whole team, but also the children, who love her dearly.
Samira Ruschetta
Substitute Childcare
Marietta is our word acrobat. The freelance copywriter uses her more than 15 years of experience to write entertaining and readable content for our Tadah magazine about work-life balance, family life and everything else that comes with being a parent.
Marietta Mügge
Editor & Sales Magazin
Sylviane lovingly takes care of our little guests when needed and reads them books or makes handicrafts with them. By the way, you can order her famous knitted dolls from us, they are adorable.
Sylviane Steiner
Tadah Grandma at Kids Space
Anita is very meticulous. She fixes all text errors before our articles or social media posts go online. Thanks to her, everything at Tadah now looks even more professional.
Anita von Allmen
Vanessa captures people in their natural beauty. She is a mother of three herself and always finds a special connection to the person in front of her lens through humor and compassion. You can admire her great photos in the Tadah Magazine.
Vanessa Bachmann
Photographer Tadah Magazin

The Tadah Advisory Board

Nadine Jürgensen
Journalist and lawyer
Kathrin Puhan
Founder, networker, Smart City expert
Gian à Porta
Entrepreneur and investor
Bettina Jecklin
Managing Director Kindervilla Abraxas, Delegate KiBe Suisse Region Zurich
Nadine Caprez
Co-Managing Director GO!, Accounting and Finance
Hannes Gassert
Entrepreneur, politician and local community leader
Michael Stucky
Business Coach ETH Zurich & Innosuisse

Tadah in the Media

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